[Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK

Bruce Moulton brucemmoulton at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 14:10:55 PDT 2014


I knew something else was wrong that caused the shock to compress but as a
non-mechanic I didn't know what to look for. Once I reviewed page 28 of
that parts manual I started looking in the right place. Perhaps the rubber
rods do need to be replaced but I found something far more serious. The
left and right clamps that house the rubber rods are both cracked and one
looks as if it is about to let loose. This is going to be expensive perhaps
more than the vehicle is worth. At least 20 bolts need to be removed and 2
clamps replaced as well as the rubber rods and reinstalled before even
thinking about the shock. The parts aren't readily available so I'm
guessing if I find them they will cost a fortune on top of the labor that
perhaps I can do myself. But at least I'm not stuck somewhere with the
engine laying out on the road.

Once I have the suspension system fixed then I'll revisit the loading and
measuring as you suggested if needed but right now I'm thinking that a fix
might right the space. But first the total cost rtelative the value of the
vehicle is my biggest concern.

Thanks again!

brucemmoulton at gmail.com

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 6:41 AM, <bugnut at windstream.net> wrote:

>   Bruce,
> I've looked at the pix again.
> Then, I looked at the parts manual on here:
> h
> ttp://sillylittlecars.com/files/Go-4%20-%20Additional%20Manuals/PARTS&SERV_MANUALS/GO-4_PARTS1992-94/1993-94PartsManual.pdf<http://sillylittlecars.com/files/Go-4%20-%20Additional%20Manuals/PARTS&SERV_MANUALS/GO-4_PARTS1992-94/1993-94PartsManual.pdf>
> You're absolutely correct, there is no spring on the shock.
> That said, it looks like the suspension is a torsional type setup, using 4
> rubber rods on each side at the front mounting brackets of the swing arm.
> So, I sent an e-mail to Westward in hopes of an answer too. I'll keep you
> informed.
> First, check the both front mounts for the rubber rods and their
> conditions. After all, we're talking about 20 year old components.
> If they are rotted/worn out, that could be why the shock is fully
> compressed.
> If need be, repair the mounts then look at replacing the shock.
> Now for the free advise. (Meaning it's worth what you paid for it and is
> your decision to make.)
> Look long and hard at the parts manual pages dealing with the rear
> suspension components so you know what your dealing with.
> I'd leave the shock off and load the suspension system to reduce the space
> between the shock mounting holes and measure the new spacing. Only load the
> system to the point your comfortable with.
> You don't want to cause the rubber rods in the mounts to be damaged.
> Now that you have the "loaded" dimension you can select a new shock. One
> that fits the "loaded'" length with say a 1/2" to 1" more travel until it's
> fully compressed. Fully extended length could be any length that fits.
> The idea here is that once the load is removed, the suspension will
> "spring" back to it's normal state. The shock will extent to the length it
> needs to and then act as it should.
> Hopefully you'll find a shock that doesn't require cutting and drilling.
> I hope this will be of some help.
> Later,
> Mike
>   *From:* Bruce Moulton <brucemmoulton at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 9:11 PM
> *To:* Silly Little Email List<silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK
>  Mike,
> Thanks! Will look forward to continued reply. Please note in the pix a
> suspension bar just behind and below the bottom bracket. Also I have had
> two different Mechanics (no knowledge of Go-4 but work on both Motorcycles
> and cars,) tell me they can see no way that a spring could be or ever was
> installed with this shock. I cannot make contact with anyone at Westward or
> White Bear Sales so trying to find anyone with experience on this model
> seems very doubtful. I have been holding back cutting for exactly the same
> reason, I would like to understand first.
>  Bruce
> brucemmoulton at gmail.com
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:35 PM, <bugnut at windstream.net> wrote:
>>   Just a quick response.
>> Take a look at some ATV rear setups.
>> I would NOT start cutting and drilling just yet.
>> Cause no matter the length of the shock, if the swingarm has enough
>> travel it will bottom out that shock too.
>> Be aware that the springs, spring cups and other hardware are sold (most
>> of the time) separate from the shock.
>> I'll take a good long look at the pix tomorrow and get back to you.
>> I still think there should be a spring on that shock.
>> The shock in the pix have the adjustment stop on it for the spring cup to
>> sit on.
>> More to come later,
>> Mike
>>  *From:* Bruce Moulton <brucemmoulton at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 7:12 PM
>>  *To:* Silly Little Email List<silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK
>>   Mike et al,
>> This is a 1993 Go-4 Model P-35 (the name "Interceptor" does not appear
>> anywhere on the vehicle documents incl. a sales brochure.) I now have
>> several places that seem to have a replacement for this apparently
>> defective part that was discontinued (Shock #7041218-T3123.) But it  still
>> begs the question what just replacing it would change since it would be
>> completely depressed after install. Would seem more like a defective plan
>> than a part. I have tried to send a Google Drive Doc with pictures. Images
>> 0028 thru 0032 show the shock sitting inside the upper and lower
>> installation brackets on the vehicle. The rest of the pix show the empty
>> brackets from different angles plus a couple of shots of the shock. If you
>> can't open them let me know and I'll figure another way to send.
>> Please look at the bottom bracket. I have this idea that I can cut it
>> down about 2 inches and drill a new hole lower. Then I can install a very
>> nice heavy duty car shock that would not be compressed. Does that make
>> sense or does anyone have a better idea?
>>   IMG_0028<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UxLzt_gIR-tRQRXFyDt_mqtjnZGGWd9eEdPvzQ7LCUs/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0039.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjUmVfdVdnbWlDVGM/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0038.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjaVpfWTJxckZlME0/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0037.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjbmktODZrN2dNZGM/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0036.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjREZ3Vkl0a212QkE/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0035.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjWTEwclJFeHlKWXM/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0034.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjeVFOR2twcG0xM0E/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0032.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjMnpIdGl3ZmFwT0U/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0031.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjY2p4TktjbGtkRE0/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0030.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjOGlpWlZzREpTSGc/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0029.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjdjROcEY2cHdKVEU/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>   IMG_0028.JPG<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ezMGyLfypjMjBjN2JSakFJNUk/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>  Bruce
>> brucemmoulton at gmail.com
>> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:33 PM, <bugnut at windstream.net> wrote:
>>>   Bruce,
>>> What Model is your GO-4?
>>> Not just the year, but the model too.  Ex: P-35, BT-57, etc...
>>> The rear suspension setup your describing sound like that common on
>>> ATV's or softtail Harleys.
>>> A single shock centered on the swing arm back to the chassis. If that's
>>> the case then there most likely should be a spring on it to stop the shock
>>> from bottoming out (full compression).
>>> Pictures would help to get you the answers you need.
>>> Also, someone on here with the same model maybe willing to shed some
>>> light on the subject and take some pix of their setup.
>>> The shock could be the same, only your ride takes just one.
>>> I'd like to know the answer to this on too. Always wanting to learn
>>> about these things.
>>> Later,
>>> Mike
>>>  *From:* Bruce Moulton <brucemmoulton at gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 1:39 PM
>>>  *To:* Silly Little Email List<silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK
>>>   Thanks for the information. Is there a way I can search this list for
>>> the mentioned email? I guess my confusion is around the springs? There is
>>> no spring anywhere around this shock and if it has been removed I don't see
>>> how it would be possible to put one on. This single shock is mounted
>>> vertically, is inside the motor housing, is attached only to the frame and
>>> motor housing, is centered on the vehicle, is not part of a pair, and seems
>>> that it can only be mounted fully compressed and thus it remains fully
>>> compressed after mounting (it was fully compressed when I removed it.)
>>> That is my second confusion: Why is it always fully compressed? I keep
>>> thinking there is something wrong here but don't know what it is. Somehow I
>>> think the shocks referred to aren't the same as this shock that is not part
>>> of a pair.
>>>  Bruce
>>> brucemmoulton at gmail.com
>>> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:22 AM, <bugnut at windstream.net> wrote:
>>>>   Bruce,
>>>> I was referring to the rear also.
>>>> There was and e-mail from a member here that explained it.
>>>> That's where I found out about the shocks. Found the number I ordered
>>>> too ( Brand: WSM   Part # 60-321 )
>>>> The different rated springs I found out about from local ATV repair
>>>> shops. They are aftermarket for the ATV quys that want more or less
>>>> stiffness in the rear for jumps or racing applications.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Mike
>>>>  *From:* Bruce Moulton <brucemmoulton at gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 03, 2014 2:07 AM
>>>>  *To:* Silly Little Email List<silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK
>>>>   Thanks for the replies. I'm not referring to the motorcycle shocks
>>>> on the front wheel. This is a single small shock in the rear just behind
>>>> the engine. It seems to be used to dampen the the engine movement some from
>>>> the frame. In order to install inside the present clamps it must be
>>>> completely compressed then bolted in the compressed state. I can't make
>>>> sense out of why this would be be but I can't get a replacement shock as it
>>>> is discontinued and nothing else fits in the clamps. Even if I could it
>>>> just seems wrong to me. Why would a shock be mounted compressed?
>>>>  Bruce
>>>>   brucemmoulton at gmail.com
>>>> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:13 PM, <bugnut at windstream.net> wrote:
>>>>>   Bruce,
>>>>> Does the 93 have springs over the shocks?
>>>>> I know my 96 does.
>>>>> The replacement shock for it, I believe, is the same as a Polaris
>>>>> Sportsman 400L.
>>>>> I think the springs are available in different stiffness and are the
>>>>> same as the Polaris also.
>>>>> Of course 2 are required for the Go-4's. Oh, the shocks are adjustable
>>>>> too.
>>>>> My 96 is leaning to the right, so I'm going to replace both, springs
>>>>> maybe.
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Mike
>>>>>  *From:* Bruce Moulton <brucemmoulton at gmail.com>
>>>>>  *Sent:* Wednesday, April 02, 2014 7:05 PM
>>>>> *To:* silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com
>>>>>  *Subject:* [Silly Little Cars] 93' GO-4 REAR SHOCK
>>>>>  I noticed the rear shock in the engine compartment on my 93' was
>>>>> fully compressed so I took it out to replace. Of course it is not made
>>>>> anymore but in trying to figure it out the shock itself seems fine but is
>>>>> fully compressed when on the vehicle no matter if it were new or not! It
>>>>> would seem like it would not work or do anything if installed in compressed
>>>>> state. Does anybody know why? What would happen if I cut the bottom clamp
>>>>> down a bit, drilled a new hole, and installed a different shock than the
>>>>> original that was not compressed after install?
>>>>> Bruce1804
>>>>> brucemmoulton at gmail.com
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