[Silly Little Cars] New GO-4 owner, high idle

Lia Gerty shining.raven at LIVE.COM
Thu Apr 23 20:56:59 PDT 2020


I just bought an '02 GO-4 this past fall.  Been slowly fixing it up over the past few months as it had lots of little issues.  One thing was the air filter was awfully dirty, so I replaced it and the housing which was broken.  Now, it seems like its idling really high - it wants to take off as soon as I put it in drive, not just creep, but really drive.

On every other vehicle I've ever owned, I'd just adjust the carburettor, but this has got fuel injection which is new to me.  Can anyone tell me how to go about this on a GO-4?

Also, the front suspension seems sticky.  Like it doesn't compress if I step on the bumper, but it does start moving if I jump on it.  I'm tempted to retrofit the leading-link setup they've got on the newer models.  And I wish I had asked the guy I bought it from for the nerf bar, as I've already smashed one of the lights on account of them sticking out the way they do.

Other than that it's a fun little machine!

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