[Silly Little Cars] insurance in Maryland

seclew2 at juno.com seclew2 at juno.com
Mon May 19 04:55:53 PDT 2014

I think it is convoluted and changes according to the agent you talk to on the instant. I was trying to buy a cushman and the guy had progressive ins. I called and used his policy as a ref but still they would not write the policy.  I was a progressive client with 2 MCs existing.  I gave it up and did not buy the cushman. Later I went to DMV with the seller and they made him do a smog and reg the Go4 '99 as a car. 2 days later I found the DMV's directive and went back to DMV etc 7 visits and an intervention by customer service in Sacramento. Alas, finally done.  I also have a large policy but it is under $200 per year. Perhaps age. I also have a MC endorsement on my lic and not required for the GO 4 nor is a helmet only on the bikes. I went thru AAA, progressive and USAA and their sub policies and still unsuccessful until I tried again and spoke with progressive directly by passing my own non helpful agent from 20 years ago. IT IS DOABLE. PERSEVERE...
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