<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br> I ran across your site while researching about Cushman Trucksters. I have<br> now purchased one and I am turning into a food truck that will be hitting<br> the streets of Seattle in early 2014. I just wanted to give you a heads up<br>
on the new Soda Jerk Truck Kickstarter Project. I'm looking for all of the<br> support I can get in getting the word out to raise the funds to customize<br> this truck for Soda Jerk's specific needs. I believe Soda Jerk is doing<br>
something special and innovative and our new Truckster will be no<br> exception. Check out the project (we have some great rewards) at the link<br> below. *Please* repost or do anything you can do to get the word out via<br>
blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and any other means at your disposal. The project<br> is at 18 days and counting.<br><br><a href="http://kck.st/1aeMvjE" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc">http://kck.st/1aeMvjE</font></a><br>
<br> I am grateful for any support you can provide.<br><br> Thank you,<br><br> Cory Clark<br> Soda Jerk Soda</div>