[Silly Little Cars] San Francisco tow for a Cushman?

Alec Bennett wrybread at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 11:35:30 PDT 2009

NEV = "neighborhood electric vehicle". Short range, not freeway legal, often
very silly and small.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Mike Aisenfeld <maisenfeld at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Bread, what's a NEV?  How much does the Aptera run?  Thats pretty f-n cool!
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Alec Bennett <wrybread at gmail.com>
> *To:* Silly Little Email List <silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com
> >
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:06:58 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Silly Little Cars] San Francisco tow for a Cushman?
> I'm looking for something smaller, shorter range, less practical. More of
> an "NEV".
> Can't wait to see that car though, loooks amazing.
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Simon Barber <simon at superduper.net>wrote:
>> Yes - that's the one. I have a reservation for production no. 1541. I have
>> a friend who is no. 53 on the list, and does not want it - if you want one
>> early I can put you in touch with him.
>> http://www.aptera.com/
>> Simon
>> Alec Bennett wrote:
>>> Simon-
>>> Is this the care you're considering?
>>> http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2008-01-10-aptera_N.htm
>>> I've also been thinking about getting something electric, since I now
>>> have a place to plug it in at night.
>>> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Simon Barber <simon at superduper.net<mailto:
>>> simon at superduper.net>> wrote:
>>>    Hi Dan,
>>>    Can you send me Jack's email or phone no - I'd like to check the
>>>    source of his information. This would have big implications for
>>>    things like the Aptera 3 wheel electric car I'm waiting for. (It
>>>    would allow it to qualify for an electric vehicle rebate, but
>>>    would require they manufacture and test it to auto standards -
>>>    which they were avoiding).
>>>    Simon
>>>    Dan Das Mann wrote:
>>>        this conversation actually uncovers an important issue. as is
>>>        turns out, starting the first of THIS year, all enclosed 3
>>>        wheel vehicles are now classified as automobile rather than
>>>        motorcycle. this is why we have had so many registration
>>>        problems. as you may know, it is not possible to smog our
>>>        little "cars" because they have no code in the computer to do
>>>        this. they must be taken to the referee station to be given
>>>        permanent smog exemption. after that you can do a regular reg.
>>>        there are still some ways to get the motorcycle reg but
>>>        ultimately the law has changed and it is really just a matter
>>>        of time before they will make us do the change. my friend jack
>>>        schroll spent a few days on the phone and finally cracked the
>>>        code as to why we have been having so many problems. just
>>>        though you all might want to know.
>>>        - dan das mann
>>>        www.headlesspoint.com <http://www.headlesspoint.com>
>>>        <http://www.headlesspoint.com>
>>>        www.dandasmann.com <http://www.dandasmann.com>
>>>        <http://www.dandasmann.com>
>>>        www.thebigartexperience.com
>>>        <http://www.thebigartexperience.com>
>>>        <http://www.thebigartexperience.com>
>>>        On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Simon Barber
>>>        <simon at superduper.net <mailto:simon at superduper.net>
>>>        <mailto:simon at superduper.net <mailto:simon at superduper.net>>>
>>>        wrote:
>>>           The MC license thing may be the key to getting reasonable
>>>           insurance. Definitely let us know how Cody's test goes!!! I
>>>           acutally have a motorcycle license but it's English - Gieco
>>>           specifically wanted a US one.
>>>           Simon
>>>           C y b e r sAM wrote:
>>>               my signing rep is no longer there.  I signed up before AIG
>>>               bought them so things could be different now, but I do get
>>>               motorcylce towing as a service that is included with my
>>>               $100+/year motorcycle policy.  Cushmans have a good safety
>>>               record believe it or not (according to a guy who worked for
>>>               the Cushman Manufacturer for years).   21st did ask me if I
>>>               had a motorcycle license, but it was my impression that
>>>        i did
>>>               not need it to sign up at the time.  I happened to have a
>>>               motorcycle license and they insure motorcycles, and you
>>>        gotta
>>>               believe that it is safer than a real motorcycle.   I think
>>>               that the tricky thing is getting motorcycle insurance
>>>        without
>>>               a motorcycle license.  I can see how this might not
>>>        jive on paper.
>>>               Cody is going to be the first to try and take his
>>>        motorcycle
>>>               driving test on a cushman.  That will be interesting if
>>>        they
>>>               let him.
>>>               I do recommend getting your motorcycle license.  I was
>>>        at the
>>>               DMV once and I knew I was going to be there a while waiting
>>>               for my number to come up, so I took the written test while
>>>               waiting.  I read the book for about 6 minutes.  They
>>>        let you
>>>               take it 3 times in the same visit, and the third time I
>>>               passed.  Then I borrowed a friend's motorcycle to do the
>>>               driving test.  It was a fun challenge.  I have not rode a 2
>>>               wheeled motorcycle since.  I prefer three wheels and three
>>>               cylinders.
>>>               sAM
>>>               Simon Barber wrote:
>>>                   Insurance - who do you call at 21st century, and
>>>        what do
>>>                   you say to them?
>>>                   Simon
>>>                   C y b e r sAM wrote:
>>>                       21st century/AIG insurance policy also includes
>>>                       motorcycle towing.  Alec, don't you have coverage
>>>                       through them?  You referred me to them.
>>>                       sAM
>>>                       cyrus forootan wrote:
>>>                           When my drive line went out on that cushman
>>>        crawl
>>>                           awhile back, we used gravity (down little hill)
>>>                           with CC Rider Tow to get it in his truck.
>>>        is that
>>>                           possible in your situation?
>>>                           --- On Sat, 8/15/09, Alec Bennett
>>>                           <wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com> <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com>>>
>>>                           wrote:
>>>                                                         From: Alec
>>> Bennett <wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com>
>>>                               <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com>>>
>>>                               Subject: Re: [Silly Little Cars] San
>>>        Francisco
>>>                               tow for a Cushman?
>>>                               To: "Silly Little Email List"
>>>                                     <
>>> silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com
>>>        <mailto:silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>
>>>                                     <mailto:
>>> silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com
>>>        <mailto:silly_little_cars at lists.sillylittlecars.com>>>
>>>                               Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 6:10 PM
>>>                               So you called AAA and got a tow through
>>>                               them?
>>>                               I thought didn't handle
>>>        Cushman/Interceptors?
>>>                               On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:03 PM,
>>>                               Mike Aisenfeld <maisenfeld at yahoo.com
>>>        <mailto:maisenfeld at yahoo.com>
>>>                               <mailto:maisenfeld at yahoo.com
>>>        <mailto:maisenfeld at yahoo.com>>>
>>>                               wrote:
>>>                               That
>>>                               sucks Wry.  I had to use a flatbed when my
>>>                               control arm
>>>                               snapped.  AAA covered it.
>>>                               From:
>>>                               Alec Bennett <wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com>
>>>                               <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com
>>>        <mailto:wrybread at gmail.com>>>
>>>                               To: sillylittlecars at sillylittlecars.com
>>>        <mailto:sillylittlecars at sillylittlecars.com>
>>>                                     <mailto:
>>> sillylittlecars at sillylittlecars.com
>>>        <mailto:sillylittlecars at sillylittlecars.com>>
>>>                               Sent:
>>>                               Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:55:05 PM
>>>                               Subject:
>>>                               [Silly Little Cars] San Francisco tow for a
>>>                               Cushman?
>>>                               I just had my first major breakdown... Was
>>>                               driving up
>>>                               Bernal Hill, very steel section, hit
>>>        the top
>>>                               and started
>>>                               getting a clunking noise. Pulled over,
>>>        drive
>>>                               shaft still
>>>                               working. Drove a little farther to test
>>>        and it
>>>                               was clunking
>>>                               about once every wheel revolution, I
>>>        thought
>>>                               maybe the
>>>                               brakes were sticking. Then the drive train
>>>                               completely
>>>                               failed, no more engine reaching the rear
>>>                               wheels. I think its
>>>                               the differential. Was in a rush so had to
>>>                               leave the car
>>>                               there.
>>>                               Anyway, wondering if anyone knows of a good
>>>                               tow in SF for a
>>>                               Cushman? I usually use CC Rider but they
>>>                               require me to drive
>>>                               up onto their ramp, which I can't do
>>>        now. I'm
>>>                               thinking flatbed.
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