[Silly Little Cars] governors

Rahsaan Morin razzle9 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 15:13:15 PDT 2007


Great WiKi..good idea for the list too.

So taking the gov. off...what a difference. I got to
56 -57mph ...rides great around 45.
Yeah and those damn cars and suvs on the road man..hey
you know that iu got rear ended on Potrero?
At the signal..an old woman bumped me as she was
trying to seat belt herself..only a bump..she was a
little surprise..it was nothing compared to the way we
drive them. 
I have tipped mine over once in the dirt and yours

Codi is a mad man in his Cush  or the "man magnet" as
(Toni, Larry & Codi ) call it.
He was tearin ass around the hood yesterday and gas is
pourin out of his gas tank spout and he was all wild
and looking like a kid who had just stole a car.

Should I mention that all keys mostly work on all
Cushman models..like models..but even diff years..91
&92 so far I have noticed. Wheel locks.
COdi tried to steel my ride one day but I HAD IT

Paid $15 in gas for 7 days of use..all over anywhere
in the city. today ..SAn MAteo and back in my SUV 

Yeh silly little cars


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